![]() the house of Futura® |
Presentation and Exhibition of a revolutionary Typeface
Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València, Valencia - Spain,
from October 19 until November 27, 2012
April 8, 2011 the Centre Pompidou in Paris, France, organised a conference and
a debate on the use and the importance of the Futura typeface, it's past, present and future.
This marked the beginning of a new focus on Futura and it's design origins.
A month later Galerie Anatome, dedicated to contemporary graphic design, opened it's doors for a Futura exhibition.
This exhibition, containing a lot of rare documents and type specimen, tells the story of Futura until today.
Currently it can be seen in Madrid, Spain, in the Imprenta Municipal (from March 29 until September 16, 2012)
Wanna buy? Click on the link to purchase Futura fonts at BauerTypes , MyFonts or at FontShop.
Looking for Futura for the Web? Check our fonts at Fontdeck.
Corporate clients please contact Neufville Digital directly.
distributor: Bauer Types, SL c/ Pau Alcover, 92 bajos E-08017 BARCELONA E S P A Ñ A tel.: +34 (0)93 112 79 93 fax: +34 (0)93 252 48 06 email: types@bauertypes.com ![]() BAUERTYPES.COM click above to purchase and download Neufville Digital fonts instantly from the internet 2 4 h / 2 4 , 7 d / 7 | distributor: Visualogik Technology & Design bv Kerkpad 16A NL-4818 PK B R E D A T H E N E T H E R L A N D S tel.: +31 (0)76 711 53 36 fax: +31 (0)76 711 53 37 email: visualogik@neufville.com Custom font design, Font technology specialities, Corporate Type and Fonts, Consultation and special licensing, contact: corporate@neufville.com Visualogik France 6 place Louis Charlot F-71550 CUSSY-EN-MORVAN F R A N C E tel.: +33 (0)980 130 840 fax.: +33 (0)972 308 359 email: france@neufville.com |
on line sales: 2 4 h / 2 4 , 7 d / 7 purchase and download Neufville Digital fonts instantly from the internet: E u r o p e BAUERTYPES.COM FONTSHOP.COM o u t s i d e E u r o p e MYFONTS.COM FONTSHOP.COM w e b f o n t s FONTDECK.COM |